Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hurricane hits Deutschland

I don't really watch too much TV news here (or much TV at all). I heard on the radio this morning that there would be high winds today, but I didn't appreciate that it would be an actual hurricane.

It wasn't until one of the maintenance guys came around to make sure all the blinds on the outside of the windows were raised all the way. He told me they were predicting wind speeds of up to 170 km/h (over 100 mph), though I think that was only the highest elevations.

It took me 1.5 hours to get home from work because of downed trees and accidents. The crazy part was trying to cross over the Rhine to get home. The Rheinkniebruecke, my usual way, was completely jammed and I could see the flashing police lights. I took a detour through town and to the next bridge. About halfway over, I could see they had the other direction blocked. It appeared as though some scaffolding had come loose.

I realized this as my car was stopped right underneath.

And then I noticed that people were walking on the sidewalk across the bridge. Now the winds were nowhere near 170 km/h but they were still way stronger than I would like when walking aross a bridge.

I got home and jumped on the trainer for a while, after which I was hungry and needed some food. Without thinking I headed out on foot to the grocery store, thinking the winds had died down some. Which they hadn't. When I started to see all the broken flower pots and tree limbs that had fallen I realized I should have brought my bike helmet.

But I did make it there and back OK. Bonus was that hardly anyone was in the store.


Tris said...


Ola from Mexico :)

So, is that a "freak" storm or what? I never would've imagined that Germany would be subject to a hurricane or even a hurricane-like storm.

Good choice staying inside on the trainer, by the way :-D.


Brian B said...


quite unusual I was told. we didn't get a whole lot of rain, like they do in Florida. But the wind was amazing. I read 118 mph was recorded.