Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Big in the U.S.

Everything seems bigger in the U.S.: bigger cars, roads, distances, meals.

Bigger people.

I hate to say that, but there is no denying it. I noticed it right away when I came home, and I notice the difference now that I am back in Germany again.

I’ve wondered why this is so. Curiously, I’ve been in several conversations where this topic has been brought up (and not by me).

When I came home for Thanksgiving, I was surprised to see that I’d not gained any weight since leaving in July.

First theory: people walk a lot more here. I know I walk a lot more. I walked home about 2 miles late one evening, behind a couple in their 60’s who covered the same distance at the same speed as me.

Yet at home we won’t even walk from the back row of the mall parking lot. Instead we drive around and around waiting for a space to open up. We are so used to driving right up to the door where we do any business (work, shopping, etc.)

In large part, I think this is an issue of convenience. In the U.S. it is convenient to drive and park, because we build these huge parking lots. In Germany, it is often so much of a hassle to park it’s easier to walk. Or when you do park, often it is still a long walk to get to where you’re going.

And then, I notice that going for a walk, in the evening or on a weekend afternoon, is simply a common thing to do.

Second theory: we just eat a lot. A couple weeks ago in the U.S. I was talking with a German guy who now lives in France. He said one difference is that where he lives, they typically eat a small breakfast, then nothing until lunch, and then a small dinner at 8 or 9 PM. They don’t eat in between.

As if his point needed further illustration, we were at a meeting where there was a constant flow of food: pastries in the morning, a large buffet lunch, cookies/cake/brownies in the afternoon.

Third theory: our junk food is really junky. McD, BK, Arby’s, etc. No more -- my dinner has not yet been digested.

The result: after 2 weeks at home I came back to Germany heavier than when I arrived. And this was in spite of the great weather and many miles on the bike.

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