Thursday, April 05, 2007

More bad driving

I don't know what was worse, driving in Mass or driving yesterday from Cleveland to Ann Arbor, Michigan and back.

Though German drivers are certainly aggressive, they are at least predictable. You almost never see someone pass on the right on the Autobahn (since it is illegal), and you don't see drivers going slow in the fast lane. Slower traffic stays right. Faster traffic passes on the left.

On the way up to Ann Arbor, I found myself getting more and more annoyed at the people who just drive in the left lane without passing. I saw one car get on the turnpike and immediately cross 2 lanes to drive 60mph in the passing lane. All the way to Michigan I suppose.

It is a very simple concept: stay right, pass left. Why don't people get this?

It was even worse in Michigan -- both the drivers and the condition of the roads (though at least the speed limit is higher).

They also had more the interesting road hazard reports: basketball hoop in the right lane on I-75 (disgruntled Ohio State fan?); refigerator door in the center lane on route 23.

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