Monday, April 02, 2007

Mass. confusion

This past week I was in Massachusetts for a few days. It was the first time I've traveled anywhere in the US, outside of home, in more than a year.

There was something oddly disorienting about the trip. I couldn't put my finger on it at first, then realized I was somehow expecting things to be "foreign" -- as in European. Over the last year, anytime I traveled I was a foreigner.

And here I was, back in the land of English (although accented), familiar food, familiar customs (like getting the check in a restaurant without asking for it).

It was, in a way, foreign. Just not in the way I'd gotten used to.

We lived in Massachusetts for a few years, back in the mid-80's. One morning I got up early and drove through the 2 different neighborhoods where we lived. I expected everything to seem familiar ... but it didn't. I recognized the houses where we lived and a few landmarks, but mostly it seemed unfamiliar. Business had changed, new houses had gone up, roundabouts had become big intersections, there was now a WalMart (doesn't that always seem to be the case?).

I drove along in the rush hour traffic -- Mass. drivers seemingly much more dangerous and unpredictable than anything in Germany -- thinking again how what we expect is rarely what we find.


C N Heidelberg said...

The drivers in Massachusetts are terrifying. The good thing is that it's so crowded, one can rarely go fast enough to be killed in the case of an accident. :/
It's sometimes a bummer how neighborhoods change. We lived in East Boston. It was the best neighborhood in Boston, untouched by Starbucks, with possibilities still remaining for the non-rich to have waterfront views. I always worry what will become of it, even though it isn't any of my business now.

Brian B said...

I was driving on I-495 between I-93 and Rt 3. (around Lowell) Merging on to the highway, 2 cars behind me immediately pulled around me, preventing me from merging.

Then I was amazed at the numer of people passing on the right -- in the breakdown lane! This triggered a bunch of Mass. driving memories.

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence! I was born in Lowell, MA. My family moved to OH in 1971 though, so I don't remember much of it at all.

My Dad checked a few years ago ... Back in the mid-60's, he purchased a lot *and* built a house for about $30,000. He said it recently sold for nearly $500,000. That's in Andover though, not Lowell.


Brian B said...

Actually I was in Andover also! Maybe I drove past your house.